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The author would like to point out that she’s a writer, not a lexicographer, so these do not follow any official pronunciation guidelines. The intent is clarity, not perfection.
These pronunciations include people and places from The Melody and the Master.
Chrest- Crest
Gawain- Guh-wain
Moira- Moy-ruh
Rohan- Roe-inn
Siofra- Sea-off-ruh
Stiofen- Stee-oh-fen
Willem- Will-um
Pronounced as expected: Marina, Newcarrow, Stanhope, Steward, Stewardess, Thornheart
Amaralotte/Lotte- Ah-marh-uh-lot/Lah-tee
Arenn- Air-enn
Arranden- Uh-ran-den
Desemir- Des-uh-meer
Elspeth- Ells-peth
Euric- Your-ick
Farren- Fair-enn
Gisela- Jiss-ella
Jocosta- Joe-coss-ta
Lieken- Like-en
Ludwik- Lewd-vik
Naos- Nay-oss
Pesha- Pesh-uh
Prentiss- Prenn-tiss
Trevanion- Truh-van-yun
Wintersin- Winter-sin
Wulfhelm- Wulf-helm
Pronounced as expected: Bennett, Cassius, Darkwood Run, Edmond Rolfe, Elaina, Felwood, Hughbert, Klaus, Lidia, Northerlands, Pearl, Shadowfen Hall, Weaver