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The author would like to point out that she’s a writer, not a lexicographer, so these do not follow any official pronunciation guidelines. The intent is clarity, not perfection.
These pronunciations include people and places from The Sylvan and the Sand.
Anatole- Anna-toll
Byrne- Burn
Hamish- Hay-mish
Khallum- Cal-umm
Khoulter- Coal-turr
Korah- Core-uh
Rylahn- Rye-lann
Sancha- Sahn-chah
Sessaly- Sess-uh-lee
Warwick- War-wick
Warwicktown- War-wick-town
Yesenia- Yuh-senn-ee-uh
Pronounced as expected: Blackpool, Iron Hill, Foss, Garrick, Law, Lem, Samuel, Sandycove, Strong, Whitecliffe
Antioch- Ann-tee-ock
Arboriana- Arr-bore-ee-ann-uh
Chasten- Chass-tinn
Corin- Core-inn
Drystan- Driss-tin
Mariana- Mare-ee-ann-uh
Quinlanden- Quinn-lann-den
Riona- Ree-oh-nuh
Saorsie- Seer-shuh
Sylvaine- Sill-vain
Pronounced as expected: Aiden, Claire, Gretchen, Lorne, Mads, Skylark, Tristan, Waters, Whitechurch
Alric- Al-rick
Asherley- Ash-err-lee
Assyria- Uh-seer-ee-uh
Cerridwyn- Care-uh-dwinn
Correen- Core-een
Darrick- Dare-ick
Dereham- Dare-uh-ham
Earwyn- Ear-winn
Eoghan- Yo-an
Florian- Floor-ee-ann
Gwyn- Gwinn
Khain- Cane
Maeryn- Mare-inn
Oster- Oss-tur
Rhiagain- Rye-gain
Pronounced as expected: Holden, Blackwood