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The author would like to point out that she’s a writer, not a lexicographer, so these do not follow any official pronunciation guidelines. The intent is clarity, not perfection.
Dereham- Dare-a-ham
Drystan- Driss-tan
Aylen- Aye-len
Nyssa- Niss-a
Wulfsgate- Wolf’s Gate
Lisbet- Liz-bet
Pieter- Peter
Wynter- Winter
(Forest of) Lycana- Lie-can-a
Alric- Al-rick
Earwyn- Ear-winn
Wregan- Reegan
Pronounced as expected- Holden, Gretchen, Christian, Torrin, all other towns and names not mentioned above.
Khallum- Cal-um
Jamesan- Like the whiskey
Erran- Air-an
Hamish- Hay-mish
Andrija- Ann-dree-huh
Rutland- Rutt-land
Khoulter- Cole-terr
Odrahn- Oh-dran
Nathenial- Na-then-ee-ul (like Nathaniel, but then instead of than)
Pronounced as expected- Warwick, Jesse, Ryan, Gwyn, Ransom, Esmerelda, all other towns and names not mentioned above.
Cian- Key-an (Kian)
Maeryn- Mare-inn
Quinlanden- Quinn-land-en
Eavan- Evan
Assana- Uh-sah-na
Breandan- Bree-ann-dan
Sylvaine- Sill-vane
Edevane- Edd-a-vane
Fionn’s (Pass)- Fee-on
Corin- Core-inn
Joran- Jore-inn
Bythesea- By-the-sea
Pronounced as expected- Aiden, Dorin, Ash, all other towns and names not mentioned above.
Asherley- Ash-er-lee
Byrne- Burn
Brandyn- Brandon
Hollyn- Hall-inn
Emberley- Ember-lee
Gabrianna- Gabb-ree-ahna
Easlan- Ease-linn
Kaslan- Kaz-linn
Clarissant- Claire-iss-ahnt
Arturo- R-turr-o
Rhydian- Rid-ee-an
Pronounced as expected- Blackwood, Marsh, Griffath, all other towns and names not mentioned above.
Yseult- Eee-sult
Ohsmha- Ahh-sma
Drumain- Drew-main
Saleen- Suh-leen
Mayke- Make
Kian- Kee-an
Kael- Kale
Medvedev- Med-ved-ev
Eithne- Et-nee
Yanna- Yawn-a
Pronounced as expected- Asgill, Clahnn, and anything not mentioned above.
Rhiagain- Rye-gain
Eoghan- Yo-ann
Florian- Floor-ee-an
Stefan- Stef-ahn
Karsein- Kar-sign
Lysanor- Lee-sah-nor
Isdemus- Is-dee-mus
Ilynglass- Ill-inn-glass
Pronounced as expected- Duncarrow, Belcarrow, Khain, Dain, Assyria, Correen, Anabella, Darrick, Carrow, Carrick, Fynne, Oldwin, Mortain, and anything not mentioned above.
Adynora- Add-inn-orra
Varinya- Vah-rinn-ya
Argentyn- Arr-ginn-teen
Alasyr- Al-ah-sear
Ryandyr- Ree-ann-deer
Nyana- Nie-ann-ah
Nevyn- Nev-inn
Rillyn- Rill-inn
Ryessa- Rye-essa
Pronounced as expected- Ravenna, Ashara, Rhosyn, Corridyn, and anything not mentioned above.
Magus- Mage-us
Magi- Mah-gye
Tymagen- Tim-uh-jen
Dilliswhane- Dill-iss-wane
Balfour- Bal-foor
Brahim- Bra-heem
Tenestela- Tuh-nest-a-la
Malfenza- Mal-fen-za
Azylria- Ah-zill-ree-a
Malcazara- Mal-cuh-zarr-a
Pronounced as expected- Rorric, Liddle, Maura, Curran, Jassmyn, Cadsella, Gilgowan